
Hi everyone the aim of this page is to help Chobots with all the quests in the Chobots world! Hope you understand and it helps you!
First off:

Farming is one of the most popular games on Chobots. To complete this game:
1)Take up a spade. After picking the spade up click the plot to plow the dirt

2)After plowing click the seed bag, then click the plot to plant the seeds.

3)After planting the seeds click the watering can, then click the  plot to water the seeds.

4)After watering the plants, you reap them. Click the scythe, then click the plot to reap your plant.

5)After reaping the plants Nichos will try and steal your hay, so you should click the megogun, aim the gun and click at the Nicho. This should make him  disappear.

6)After defeating the Nicho, take up the hay and feed it to the cow. (Daisy)

7)After repeating the same process, Daisy will moo. This means it's time to collect the milk.

8) Click the bucket found at the bottom left of the screen and place it on the conveyor belt and you should  receive  bugs!

Nichos Kingdom Mission is a very fun game! Doing it by yourself can be hard, so it's better if you find some friends to help.
To complete this mission, follow these steps:

1) To complete this mission, you will need special magic. Head on over to the magic shop and buy the non-citizen  invisible  magic (NOT THE CITIZEN ONE) and buy fast magic.

2)Go into the Nichos mission, upon entering, use your invisible magic to get past the nicho lasers.

3) After passing the lasers, you will see coins at the top. Click them.

4) After collecting the coins, move onto the other side of the nicho cave. Collecting th other coins found at the bottom.

5) After collecting the other set of coins, use your fast magic to pass the broken bridge. If this instruction is not followed you will be sent back to mission agency.

6) After crossing the bridge, there will be a rope. Click it.

7) Get some friends to help you and tell them to click the rope also. Then you all start clicking the yellow arrow rapidly to pull the rope. Note: Only 3 people can be on the rope at a time.

8) When the rope is fully pulled, you will  receive  400 bugs if your a junior, and 800 bugs if your a citizen.

9) Pulling the rope, sends of fire to burn to wood to set "Gune" free. Click him.

10) You will then receive a nicho mask for your bravery! 
Note: This mask is only for citizens.
Happy playing!

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