Friday, 4 January 2013

Updates 01/04/2013

Hello everyone,
Welcome to Chobotsguide101. Here are your updates:


Five days ago, the introduction of the 2012 contest was made. The results are now in. Here are the winners:





Best videos- THEUFO
                  - EGGS

Congratulations guys! They were other awesome videos but these were the best. For their wonderful work, the winners have received a paintbrush/camera, bugs, citizenship and a playercard colour.

For the past week, the chobots team has been observing the most active chobots. These chobots have shown true dedication to the game and for that they all received a knight suit. 
The top 3 active chobots are: 1. Alecks
                                             3. Ducky

After looking through quite a number of journalist applicants the chobots team has finally concluded with January's Journalists.Here are your journalist for the month of January:
Peace - Along with being able to write quality posts, Peace has a very informative and useful 'Fun' page on her blog filled with interviews, tutorials, videos, etc.
Nightmare - Nightmare covers a lot of topics in his posts that relate directly to the Chobots community. He could focus more on adding pages and widgets to his blog.
David09 - David09 runs a German blog which covers all the latest news of Chobots. It can be very informative for the German users. He could add a section for new players to his blog.
Markl77 - Mark runs a blog with his sister full of funny posts about all sorts of things. He also has useful guides for those who might need it.
Maxie123 - With a very fun and playful blog, Maxie keeps everyone informed and entertained. She has also done interviews and written stories which are well worth the read.
Bluezorogirl13 - Also having stories and interviews on her blog, BlueZoroGirl often writes new posts about what she has experienced on Chobots and what her day was like.
Thomas - Running a whole website takes a lot of commitment, and Thomas has taken up that challenge with The Chobots Galaxy, where he maintains an informative blog.
Funnyguy2 - Funnyguy is quite the Journalist; we've seen him posting on several blogs as well as his own. He keeps his blog fresh with the latest updates and events in Chobots.

Congratulations guys! The chobots community looks forward to reading your blogs and being updated.


New agent.

The chobots community gladly welcomes the newest member of the agent group, Novokid. During the recent meeting, a huge amount of agents had recommended him for the badge. So without any further ado he was awarded with the badge.
Congrats Novokid! Also, the chobots team will be having agent recommendation, so you can recommend who you think deserves the prestigious agent badge. Please visit

New tags

Jake has promised a few updates to those who would receive the journalist badge. The journalist have received a badge; and if you hover your mouse over it, you will see the name of there blog. Also if you should click the "Show chobots names" option, there name tags will appear purple.
Also the stars have been added back to the chobots playercard. Last but not least, chobots who have shown outstanding achievement have received a badge labelled "Forum legend."

That's all for now.
Have fun and stay safe ;)

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